Is it frown upon to punch your best friend in the face?

She needed a place to stay so her and child wouldn't be homeless. I took her in so she can get back in her feet she supposed to OT 1/2 of everything sweet saves me money and   More money on my daughter and stuff for baby. I think since October I've been paying every thing and takening care of her child not to mention my gma who baby sit my daughter after school watches her child too. Now she got a new "guy" it's like she has no responsibilities hell my daughter has a father daughter dance Friday and her daughter wants to go so my daughter dad offered to take her too guess who's paying that and a new outfit for that yup me. I wouldn't care so much of her kid if they weren't locked away in her room all day and her kid gets neglected and I feel bad for her. Her daughter has even told me that I do more stuff with her even if it's just running up the street vs she's stuck down stairs on her tablet. She's going to be 28 in just over takening care of an adult if I wanted to I would have stayed with my daughters dad 8 years ago 😡 thanks to being 9 months pregnant and ready to be done pregnant everything is pissing me off more lately. Sorry for the rant