I just need to get this out before I have to talk to him...

My husband and I have an agreement... He can work a job he loves as long as he can make money to help pay bills. I work 2 jobs because he doesn't make enough, and neither do I, for me to only work 1. I hate BOTH my jobs but we need health insurance.

I have mental issues and I am on meds. The ones I was on before are not working and I cant go higher so I had to switch to a different med. This new med costs 5x's more than previous.

Its getting to the point now that I wont be able to get my meds over the summer because his work is very short over the summer and we already struggle financially during those months.

So now...

I have to sit him down and we have to have a talk about how he needs to either get another part time job over the summer when his main job is slow or how he needs a new full time job all together.

This talk, I KNOW, will not go well..lol..

He loves me, has for over a decade, but he LOVES his job. He has fun and it makes him feel good about himself but I need some help. I have already compromised over the years on things that I want, wanted since I was little, but that we really just can't/couldn't afford.

I CANT compromise on my meds... he doesnt understand, he had never been with me NOT medicated. It isn't pretty and is actually dangerous for both of us.

I just hope that he actually LISTENS and doesnt automatically go on the defensive.

I don't think I have it, mentally or emotionally, in me to argue about this.

Positive Thoughts are needed..lol