
So me and my best friend Bre went out last night. We told are parents what we were doing and where we were the whole time. We went rollerskating and out to eat. Both of our phones were basically dead but we would plug them up in my car to check in with our parents. She's 17 and I'm 18. It was foggy and I was driving slow not to mention her road was tore all to hell. I got her home at 11. We told both of our parents it'll be a little later. Her parents didn't give her a curfew but at like 10:30 they call my mom freaking out. Keep in mind I was at my dads house. Mom knew I was going out. Dad said be back around 11. I got home around 11:30 and I told dad it was foggy and I needed gas. He wasn't mad last night. This morning he wakes me up at 4:30am screaming at me threatening to put me in the military and not letting me use his finances for my college shit if I don't go to the college he chooses. He tells me to drop my best friend cuz she's "getting me in trouble." And he has "45 yrs of experience" well he can take those 45 yrs and shove it up his ass for all I give a shit. My best friend struggles with severe depression and I'll die before I ever drop her like that. Her dad doesn't like me because I'm with a black guy and he calls me a " n word lover" I own up to that proudly because I love my man. My dad doesn't know of him cuz he would flip shit too. My mom and stepdad met him and don't like him. I'm getting grounded over this shit by my mom and I wasn't even at her fucking house. Bres dad knew where we were the whole time and called to get me in trouble on purpose. I'm grounded for a week and my life is back to being a living hell. I just got out of a rough time mentally. It's back now and even worse. My dad flat out called me stupid. Like I literally feel like I can never do anything right anymore. I follow rules and guidelines I do everything I'm supposed to. I make good grades I have a job. I don't do anything bad besides sneak after work for an hour or so to see my man because I'm not allowed to otherwise cuz he's black. I just tell my parents I work late. Like I literally am sick of this bullshit. I've done nothing wrong. Sorry but I really just needed to rant. My dad said he's taking my car if I try and go see my best friend. He's grounding me from my best friend! Me and her we are all each other has. Without me she probably would've killed herself a few years ago. Like how do u just drop your best friend? I'd honestly rather die than just drop her like that. I'm not going to do anything major but I sure as hell will not drop her like that. What am I supposed to do?