Selfish rant.

Okay so in planning the baby shower I've of course made a registry of things we don't have ️and or need for this baby.  I have one child that's older and basically didn't keep anything after so long so we are starting from scratch. I have a crib and changing table I got. I also went on a local garage sale website and made deals with local moms from nice areas buying a great number of perfect condition baby clothes and blankets etc for extremely cheap. So what I'm worried about is this... It's a baby shower.  Women go out and have an excuse to shop for a baby so they go nuts. My MIL showed me the "shopping spree" she went on thus far and instead of getting us something we actually need or will have to buy ourselves... She shows me about 20 outfits that she couldn't resist buying because they were "too cute". Now look... I'm polite and considerate I will always be thankful etc but what is the POINT of me even doing a registry and putting on the invitation where we are registered if people are going to just go out and spend crap tons of money on things THEY think I need or could use or are cute.  So I'm afraid come baby shower day half the things on my registry that are actually very affordable won't even be gotten for us but I'll end up with four garbage bags full of cute clothes and majority of things not on my list. I spent a good deal on this catered baby shower. It's to have fun and celebrate and there will be a good number of people there. But I assumed what I put into it would come out in the things we need anyway for the baby through gifts. I'm just going to be a selfish bitch and inside be upset if I end up spending all this money and time on a shower were I open a crap ton of gifts of things I don't even need. Just so women can watch me hold up the cute outfits they bought.  LOL. Wow I sound horrible. But it's called a rant for a reason. Why spend 100$ on clothes and designer blankets and crap I do NOT need when you can go on my registry and buy us something we DO need.  Most might say I should of course keep my mouth shut and be grateful and I will.  And I'll return half of it if they keep the gift receipts with the gift. I just am practical at times.  Get me diapers. Wipes. Breast milk bags.  A swing.  Whatever.  Not 5 cases of baby bath stuff that im allergic to and didn't put the brand on my registry for a reason. -_-   Im a horrible person.