There are so many nasty, rude and disrespectful people here!!! Why bother posting on someones page if you are going to be rude and condescending? Isnt that just a waste of time? Everyone here is here for a reason and Im pretty sure its not to be disrespected. Everyone comes from different walks of life and has different experiences and information...they come here for support and information.  If you feel someone's post is stupid, why bother commenting? I just feel really bad for the people who post with questions or situations and are verbally attacked! You can give criticismor share   information without being rude! So what if people want a specific gender baby!!! So what if people dont know everything about human reproduction!!! So what if a mom is nervous about something that is normal!!! Everyone has a right to their feelings but when did it become ok to be so mean and hurtful!!! I just feel bad for people as I look at some of these posts and the comments.