Very big penis Vs. Small vagina

Beatrice • Finishing high school, aspiring chemist. I love music, books, fitness, good food, sleeping, cats and people. Living is my favourite thing.

Hello girls!

This is my first post here on <a href="">Eve</a>, I'm almost 19 and I'm Italian.

I've been having lots and lots of awesome sex ever since I lost my virginity at 16. I'd think I'm fairly experienced in the field. But right now, I'm facing a problem: my newest fuck buddy has a 9 inch dick.

He's my fourth male partner, but the other guys were all around 6 inches, I'm not really used to that kind of length...

The sex is fantastic, the only issue is that I feel very sore afterwards, so sore that it hurts to pee and wipe for a few hours. There's no blood thankfully, it just burns a lot, which is a real bummer because with other partners I was able to have sex marathons with multiple rounds, and with him I just can't. And of course I can't even masturbate the day after, which is frustrating as hell.

So, does anybody here have any advice? I don't have lubrication issues, but should I still use lube? By the way, I'm on bc, so we don't use condoms (we're both clean, no worries).

Do you know how I can relax my muscles down there, besides doing lots of foreplay of course?

Thanks in advance :)