❤️My c-section notes. Hope this helps!! ❤️

Alison • FTM to a baby girl at 35, business owner, gamer, ICD specialist and happy wife to a brilliant man!
I thought it might be helpful for others to put down some notes and thoughts about the first 16 hours or so of my c-section on 2-5-16. I hope this is helpful! 
Due to prior uterine surgery and irregular ultrasounds of my uterine walls I knew c-section was my only option which I didn't mind, having had the myomectomy one year prior. 
12:30pm- had irregular kick counts and a very large and painful contraction. 
2:00pm- NST at my OB's office. Contractions continuing. 
3:10pm- admitted to OB triage due to contractions persisting and increasing in duration and strength and back pain that reached a 10/10. IV inserted one vial of blood drawn. 
4:40- high risk doctor checked my cervix and it was at a 3 (after being closed at 3:30), babys heart rate became extremely elevated and the Dr decided it was time to grab baby. A woman from the lab drew four vials of blood. 
4:50- nurses shaved my pubic and stomach area and changed me into a gown. We waited for my OB to literally run six blocks up the hill from her clinic to get prepped. :)
5:15- began to shake and have tremors due to nerves and was assured this is normal and I could be medicated after for it. I refused any medication that wasn't necessary to keep me alive and chose no additional anxiety support besides meditation. Catheter was introduced. 
5:38- back was cleaned and husband arrived. antibiotics administered via IV as a precaution for infection. 
5:42-received my spinal. I had to sit on the edge of the bed and lean over while pushing out my spine to grant him easy access. The absolute worst part was the numbing shot I was given prior to the spinal- it was about. 5/10 on the pain scale. My arms were free to move and I was 'wedged' under my back and butt so I lay slightly tilted. 
5:51- anesthesia finally kicked in fully and my OB began operating. I could feel pressure and touch, but zero pain. 
6:00- my OB and the attending high risk surgeon found the source of my constant pain and the reason why baby moving resulted in pain. My uterus had bubbles/blisters all over the outside due to irritation from loose blood gathering around the outside of my uterine walls. Some areas were air pockets and some were filled with blood and fluid. My OB informed me the cut on my uterus would be unconventional to avoid my previous scar which which was thinning and to also avoid the blisters/bubbles.
6:04- suction was needed to pull out my daughter as my uterus was contract in and holding her inside. She came out mad as hell and yelled 'yay!' Or at least what sounded like 'yay!' Everyone in the room laughed. She was taken to the baby table and was immediately looked at and assessed due to being premature. 
6:13- husband trimmed the cord and baby girl was wrapped up to help her maintain her body temp. I was able to hold her and kiss her before she was admitted to NICU. 
6:55pm- after some additional surgical procedures to correct my old uterine scar and uterine 'issues' and some extra monitoring due to hemorrhage, I was wheeled out of the OR. I passed gas right away and my nurse clapped and said 'that's the best news since baby!' I began having body tremors and involuntary shakes which is the bodies normal reaction to surgery. 
7:05- met baby girl in the NICU and watched the team work to get her oxygen, blood sugar and temperature normalized. I was scared for her but trusted the team here to take excellent care of her. 
7:45- settled into our room in postpartum and was dressed in mesh boy shorts and a large pad, given a fundal push (lots of pressure on your abdomen to expel any clots/blood/mucus) had blood drawn and was given IV fluids and IV Tylenol and medicine to stop the shakes. I was given the option for oxycodone, but knowing how easily I recuperated from the myomectomy, I chose not to take narcotics. Rested. 
8:30- first pumping session. Successfully drew 0.8ml of colostrum although the pumping caused my uterus to contract and made my abdomen sore. Ate jello and applesauce, drank apple juice and water. Another fundal push. Slept.
9:30pm- fundal push. Ow. 
10:30pm- fundal push. Omg. 
11:30pm- last fundal push (thank god!) second pumping session 0.5ml, more water, wheeled to NICU to say hello to baby girl and visit with her for an hour. She was put on a cpap to help her with lung inflation and her respiratory rate was still unstable. 
12:45am- rested and drank more water. Ate a bowl of oatmeal to help with lactation. 
2:30am- third pumping session- 0.5ml. Drank a ton of water. Given anti gas meds, stool softener, Tylenol and milk of magnesia. Slept til 5:30am pumping.
5:30am- fourth pumping session- 0.6ml. Was given help to stand up out of bed for the first time and when I stood up, a large amount of blood and mucus gushed out of me and literally soaked my legs, gown, pad and socks. This is normal and I wish my nurse had warned me. I was cleaned, changed and given a fresh pad and was then able to walk for a few minutes in my room. Rested. Drank water.