I'm 36 and got my BFP today after TTC about 6 months

Leah • Pregnant with #2
I'm 36 and got my BFP today after TTC about 6 months! I'm sooo happy and excited but am still in shock. The TTC process stressed me out and I got very upset every month when I got a BFP and/or AF. I was afraid I waited too long and because of my age I'd have problems with infertility. I actually went to the dr last week and she gave me referrals for blood tests and a sonogram this coming cycle to make sure I'm ovulating. So glad I don't have to worry anymore and that I'm finally pregnant! To top it off, both my father and my SO's father passed away in the past few years and both had the same birthday, which happens to be my due date! Couldn't be more perfect. Can't wait to tell my SO. I won't see him till 11pm and I'm using all my willpower not to tell him over the phone beforehand. Im trying to think of a creative way to tell him. Any suggestions? I hope my story brings hope and strength to all the 35+ ladies ttc and all the ladies, any age, that have been trying for a while.