Thankful for the love and peace

I haven't been this happy in a long time! Nothing specific has contributed to my good mood, it's just taking a look at everything I have and everyone I have around me and feeling all the love. I have an amazing fiancé, a handsome pup, a beautiful little girl growing inside me, and both sides of the family are at peace for once!! It's like everything is ok and I can really breathe. Of course there are things that still go wrong and times get stressful here and there, but none of it seems to matter as much. I just want to take the time to be thankful for everything/everyone in my life. I hope everyone else can too, and see that in the grand scheme of things nothing really matters except the love that flows around us. So Go kiss your man, call your mom/dad just to say hi and you love them, bake a yummy treat, do something outside in the sun and enjoy today. ✌️😋💖