Why is NATURAL frowned upon??

JasLynn • Soon to be mommy of our Princess, Hadleigh Grace. 🎀👑 ItWorks Distributor. 💚 FTM. 💕
I'm planning on having a natural birth. This is my first pregnancy, and I feel like I'm getting A LOT of negative feed back when I mentioned having a natural birth. I'm aware it's going to hurt, BAD. But for personal reasons I do not want the epidural. I am also planning on breast feeding if my body will allow me, and once again, negative feedback! "It's hard" "it hurts". And lastly, cloth diapers. I'm planning on clothing for several reasons; One-they're suuuuper cute. Two- Cost efficient. Three- so much better for their little bums. Is anybody else dealing with negative feed back when it comes to doing anything natural, or "old school"? 🙄