Touchy topic at my first official appt today!


So I know this topic is controversial so I'll just be out front right now. I am an atheist. My fiance is an atheist. I am pregnant and will raise my baby with good morals and values based off of humanity and not religion. If this upsets you, please do not continue to read... I really didn't know where else to discuss this at.

I found out last week via at home pregnancy test that I'm pregnant! I wanted to be absolutely positive before I really let my feelings settle. I decided to find a women's health center near me that offers free pregnancy tests (I'm unemployed, so money is tight). I found a couple fairly close and picked the one that had the earliest available date. Mind you, it only said Women's Health facility so I assumed it would be normal.

Fast forward to today. My fiance and I rushed out the after a particularly nasty bout of morning sickness and made it a few minutes late. I wasn't given intake papers and was asked to sign a privacy waiver, but no big deal, it's a free pregnancy test. So we waited for a while when the nurse came to take me back, telling my fiance he wasn't allowed. So issue #1. Pregnant me is super clingy. I have been on my fiance's arm since I found out and I get insanely scared and emotional when he is gone.

They wish me to the back room with a love seat, a chair, and a tv, plop a clipboard in my hand and shuffle off. I fill it out pretty quickly, just the basics, open the door and wait. Clipboard is taken, they shoo me into the bathroom, I pee in a cup, shuffle me back to the squeaky loveseat, and I wait. For a long time. No sign of my fiance, no sign of a nurse, nothing.

So the nurse comes back and when I say she doesn't look happy, she looks downright mean. Me being preg gers expected smiling faces and happy doctors all ready to convince me (although they don't need to) that being a parent is a good choice. No such luck. She sits down and the first thing she says to me is "It says here that you aren't affiliated with any religion. What are your feelings on God?"

Problem #2. I have a long history of just shutting down due to anxiety and when I feel like I'm being reprimanded.

Me: I don't believe one exists.

Her: Oh really. And what makes you believe that?

Me. I've done my research and I just don't see it as a possibility.

Her: So you're an atheist? Did you know there is plenty of research out there stating he DOES exist and that most atheists believe in God, they just don't believe in some of the things he stands for.

Me: hmm

Her: Well we are a Christian based - facility and we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and that he spilled his blood for all of us. We were all born sinners and need to take the proper steps in earning forgiveness (etc etc)

Me: stopped listening, emotionally shut down, just want my fiance with me.

Her: (15 minutes later) oh by the way, the test is positive, you're six weeks along, here's the paper to fill out for the ultrasound.

Me: Can my fiance come back now?

Her: You can just go out to the waiting room.

Well as soon as I got out there I told Alex all about what happened and we left. I have never felt ashamed of my choice to be an atheist, in fact, I've always been extremely proud, but in that moment I was hurt. I felt like I was robbed of a very important moment when Alex and I were supposed to get the official word together and be happy and excited. I felt like I was being reprimanded instead of instructed on how to go about my new pregnant life. I'm brand new and scared out of my mind and that woman ruined that time for us. We never even got the ultrasound. I haven't told many people yet, so you guys are the only ones I can talk to about this. I've just never felt so discriminated against and it hurt a lot, especially when I feel so fragile right now.