Why oh why? 😑

Jessica • Angel Mom of 6; Lailah Star 8/5/16 Expecting my 7th July 2018
Why is it that when we want something, that we know we're destined to have in life, our bodies mess with us so much to make us think that we'll get our BFP ? And then end up heart broken. I don't understand.. This last month my significant other stopped worrying about getting pregnant and it'll happen when it's suppose to. And then this month comes along and no period, but negative tests!?! I've been focusing on school and work, distracting myself and didn't think anything of it till .y period was MIA.....and here I am, 4 days late with nothing in return 😕 so frustrating sometimes!! Sorry just needed to vent! Baby dust to all! Feel free to comment any insights 😊