My birth story!

✨Vanessa✨ • 💋🌟😊
My baby arrived 02/07/2016 at 8:33am. This last weeks were very hectic and filled with false labor alarms. At my 36wk apt I was 4cm dilated and contracting a lot which was thinning out my cervix. At my 38wk apt I was already 6cm and my cervix was super thin, my OB said she wouldn't be surprise if I deliver this week. My contractions started at 6:30am, woke up used the restroom and saw my mucus plug in the toilet, I showered and hurried to L&D, by then it was 7:50am and my contractions were every 2min apart. I walked in so fast that the nurses thought it was another false alarm and didn't hurry to set me up until they checked my cervix and said I was 9cm already and she arrived... 
Just want to wish good luck to all the mommys due soon. I hope everything goes well and all babies are perfectly healthy. 
Much love!.