

I had a miscarriage 4 years ago before having my son whom is almost 2. I didn't have a job or friends in town at the time. I didn't handle it well for awhile. I'm about 4 weeks pregnant now. I have a full time job. I've been having really bad cramping for over a week now no bleeding. I had bad nausea and vomiting for a week and now it's almost non existent.

I'm terrified I'm going to have a miscarriage. I told a bunch of people at work I was pregnant because it was hard for me to hide and deny when asked. with every person I tell I get more freaked.

I can't really up and leave my job if it happens at work and that is what is freaking me out the most. I don't know if I can go back to work awhile if it happens.

this is all I can think about and it's putting me on edge I don't want to talk to anyone.

I don't go to the doctor until the 16th.