Baby daddy....

Emily • Celebrating 4 years of blissful marriage, with a two year old son, Lincoln, the joy in my life, and waiting on baby #2!
I work in a grocery store, and today I had my shoelaces untied because my feet hurt. A customer entering the store pointed it out and said to be careful. Nice right? When he came to the check out he asked if I tied them, I said no, and he offered to do it for me, I'm clearly big an d preggo, nice right? I said no thank you, my feet were hurting and I wanted them untied. He then says "oh youre swelling huh?" I said yes and thanked him for the offer. He then asks me if my baby daddy left Where did that come from? One-I'm wearing a wedding ring (this isn't against unmarried mothers at all)
Two-if you're all up in my biz how did you miss that one? Especially if he's trying to hit on me or something. 
So I said well my husband is at work if that's what you mean?? Wtf is this guy thinking? All the while this other employee is laughing her ass off behind him.