Should she be concerned? TMI!

Jessica • ⛪️ + 👫 + 👶 + 🤰 = ❤️
Specifically for those in the medical field (but really for anybody):
My sister had two warts on her foot and the dermatologist applied some topical ointment and sent her home with that same ointment and an additional ointment to apply. She applied as per the directions, and the day after her appointment (Sunday) the ball of her foot (where the warts were) had swollen so severely that she couldn't walk, and she was in such excruciating pain that she was crying (not normal for her). Well the following day (Monday) the pain was completely gone, but her foot looked like absolute death!! Yes, the pain is gone, but so is all other feeling in that part of her foot!! She called the dermatologist over the phone and they just kept assuring her that everything was "normal" and "fine" but this doesn't look normal or fine to me. What do you ladies think?
After the first day, when she was in pain
After the second day (and still how it currently looks) 😵