
Amanda • Mommy.5.2016
so my husband a few yrs back rented an apartment for his ex gf and their 2 kids...she couldnt afford the rent so he paid until she got a job and the landlord knew he wasnt going to live there...anyways she couldnt pay for 2 months and neither could he due to a work injury and so he got an eviction as of july 2013...we got together 6 months later... i went to the apartment complex and when asked if anyone in my household had any evictions i said my husband the lady then said o him ya i cant help you and i said well what about me and 4 kids and she said well since i know your married to him i dont think ill take you i dont want that here... i was literally in tears because i was practically rejected without filling out an application all because my husband helped his x :( ... i need to find a place asap