Argument about to kick off! What do I do?

Im nearly 6 months pregnant and my partner has just decided to tell me that it's my fault he can't go out ,my fault he can't buy himself games and my fault he can't play on his computer as much as he would like! Iv sobbed for about an hour and now my blood is boiling! I look after his 5 year old daughter 5 days a week! A make sure we have food! I work full time! I pat the gas and electric! All I ask is for the time we do get alone that we do something together! He doesn't even seem to be too bothered about the new baby! His spent a total of £8 on him/her! Iv spent every penny I can spare and iv gone without to ensure I can get important things! Am I wrong for being angry? Iv been so worried about this pregnancy because we had a miscarriage in august! And I want to try and enjoy it but feel like I'm being dragged down! :*