
I'm absolutely heartbroken!! I can't stop crying he says we can't have he baby. And he's sick of hearing about it. I'm in bits he doesn't understand what it feels like I have literally no support I can't talk to anyone about. I'm at breaking point.
I'm 5 weeks 
***hes 26 I'm 20 we both have part time jobs I'm at university and he's a qualified mechanic as of May we moved in to our own (rented) home 3 months ago however we've been together 3,1/2 years and I lived with him at his parents for pretty much 3 years before we got our own place 
**** I want to thank you all for your support the support network has helped me so much recently and I don't know what I'd do without it!! I just had a little chat and from what I gather he's a little shocked and scared :/Â