Resurfacing feelings about things I've moved past.

Lately a lot of feelings have been resurfacing because this time last year, my boyfriend cheated on me. We're married now. He cheated with his baby mama and instantly regretted it and knew it was a mistake and told me the next morning. I took my time and eventually forgave him. He promised it wouldn't happen again, and I knew he was sincere. He proposed a few months later and we got married three months after the proposal. Tomorrow a year ago was the day... So even though I'm over it and I trust him completely, my subconscious has been thinking of it. Last night I dreamed that she was in my house and he lied to me about it. There's never been a doubt in my mind since that he'd do it again, and I don't think about it much. I kind of removed it from my mind because we're a great team and best friends. He made a mistake. One that we both know will never happen again. He knew when he did it that he couldn't stand to be without me. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. My best friend got a boyfriend who is controlling so we don't talk about stuff because he goes through her messages and stuff... Does anyone have any advice or anything? I really do forgive him and love him. We're stronger than ever. Just where it was this time last year, the feelings are resurfacing. Just needing some kind words, I guess. Thanks, my lovelies.