Contraction help!

So I've had 0 signs of my baby coming and yesterday had my membranes stripped. I've been 2 cm for 2 weeks and 60% effaced.
I'm 40 weeks today and I've been having contractions since 2:30pm. At first they were sporadic.. 17-25 mins apart. Since 6pm they have been 10-15 mins apart (mostly 10)... It's now 7:30. I'm a FTM and not sure what to expect... 
So I'm supposed to just hang out until they're around 5 mins apart right?? I feel like all the info I've looked up and heard from my doctor flew out the window now that the real deal is happening. 
With my luck, they will probably just go away... But would love advice on how you would handle this/how you have handled this type of situation.