All that are "overdue"

Ok I know we are all getting anxious some even mad... But I was "due" yesterday... This is baby #7!  I have six little boys!!  I could have sworn she was just gonna fall out early... Or even on my bday which was the day before my due date!   Yesterday I went to my midwife and she checked me. I was 2-3cm and 80% effaced. My cervix has moved forward and Brynlee's head is super low.  She promised I was next on her list to go into labor (bless her heart for trying). She predicted that id be in labor no later than Friday. She didn't even make me make an appt for next Tuesday lol.  My fear is tho that since my fiancé and will have our 6 kids (he has two and I have 6 but 2 will not be here) that I won't have time to rest in bed for 48 hours.  I wanted to have had her by now so that Friday I could hang out more with all of the kids with their sister.  I know we are all just dying to get to hold our precious babies, but it is LITERALLY about to happen!!! Look forward to seeing the pictures and reading everyone's birthing stories!!!! Oh and I can't help it. I have to share my going home outfits that I handmade! I made her a gown in case it's night time when we leave, I also made her a cute onesie dress and there's a hat and a headband to match:) and I made myself a match in dress and head flower:)