I hate what people say!

Everything happen s for a reason, good things come to those who wait, it will happen when it's meant too!! These are just a few things I hate eating!!!!!!

Today I found out a relative has conceived, she is not with the person she concieved with and doesn't want to be with him, she has been in and out of rehabs for years and is finally clean!! I am happy for her cause any baby is a blessing! But for some reason it hurts! I'm married, I have my own home , we have a great business and yet I'm the childless baker!!! I don't want to sound jealous or not happy for her I am, I'm just not happy with myself, she met a guy a few months ago and bam, baby on its way, I've been with my husband for 10 years been trying for 2!!

How do u stop it from hurting so much! I smile and hug her then go home and cry for 4 hours!!

I can't cope!!