Natural induction

Sydni • USCG Wife | 20 | baby Ward due 3/26/16
Hi ladies, hope all is well! I have a question which I hope doesn't cause judgement, as this is just out of pure curiosity and will help my situation. 
I've recently moved 2200 miles away from my mom and family. With that being said, I'm 34 weeks pregnant, and my family is planning on flying out the week of March 20th, for the delivery of my little boy. Obviously, he could come before that because I'm
Only 3 weeks away from being "full term". I don't plan on doing any natural induction techniques such as pumping, massage, or exercise up until the week of the 20th. (Unless he comes before then, without natural induction, then I don't have a choice but to deliver him.) my doctor gave me the option of getting my membranes stripped once I reached full term, and then will induce me once I am 40 w + 1 day, so my question is, if my little man decides to wit that long, what type of natural induction techniques worked best for you ladies? And if you got your membranes stripped, how well did that work for you? Thanks!