
Jamie • Married to my best friend ❤️ Stepmama to an awesome 3 year old, Expecting my first bio baby February 2019
Sorry if this is TMI ladies & sorry it's so long! I don't know what information is relevant! I have had my mirena for just over 6 weeks now. Usually when in the moment I had no problems getting wet but now I'm experiencing dryness. I'm guessing from the mirena? I didn't start dating the guy I am with until after my mirena was inserted, but it's definitely not from lack of him turning me on. I know a lot of women have mentioned that mirena lowered their sex drive, but if anything it has had the opposite effect on me. I want it all the time! I'm not crazy about the idea of trying lube, but if I get there then I get there. I've also been spotting since I got my mirena inserted so I don't know if that has any effect. So what I'm really wondering is did any of you experience this & did it get better?