To shave or not to shave, that is my question

There was a time in my life when I wanted the "bald" look "down there". In my early 20's I shaved regularly until my then BF (now husband) said he didn't care for it and creeped him out (said it made him think of a pre-pubescent girl). Now, in my mid 30's I'm thinking of shaving again; mostly because I'm pregnant with my 2nd and thinking about how gross it was postpartum with all the blood and stitches etc. here's my dilemma though- aren't we "made" with hair down there for a reason? Or is it just like most things where back in the cave men days we NEEDED hair to keep the bugs and gross stuff away because we weren't very hygienic, and now we don't really have to worry about that kind of stuff? Am I over thinking this? Lol. I want to be clean shaven but I don't want to put in the work and I don't want all of that itching when it grows back. Maybe I'm answering my own question as I type this, lol. Thoughts on shaving or not shaving?