OPK help please!!

So I'm not new to this but last time around when we conceived our first my lines on OPKs got consistently darker each time I tested until I got a blazing positive two days in a row and knew I was going to ovulate. This time, not so much. I usually ovulate between CD 17 and CD 24 (long cycles) and this time started testing with OPKs on CD 14 which was the 7th. Below are my OPKs. To me it looks like I had a very NEARLY positive 2/10 at 8 p.m., and I honestly expected to test today and see an obvious positive! But both my tests today (last two pictured) are back to being VERY negative. I had cramping on my left side yesterday, 2/10, from 5p.m. on through the evening which is why I tested three times. Last time I did this I had two days of positives so there was little doubt. Now I'm confused!!! Do you ladies think I should count the 2/10 tests as a positive surge? Thanks in advance for your opinions!!