Moms obsessing over names


Who else has a mom obsessing over the baby's name?

I told my mom 5 days ago and since then she has told me 1)because the name ends in lyn my aunt will think the baby is named after her since her middle name is Lynn and her granddaughter is named Brooklynn, 2)Maybe the name should end in Lita instead. Lita is my MILs name. 3)Has called about the spelling no less than 4 times. 2 of which were today. 4) texted me middle names 3 times today alone, including "bee" and "bear" because my sister gave her kids noun middle names, i.e. love.

I know she wants to be included because she's closer to me than my sisters, but I had to straight out tell her we will spell her name the way WE like best. Im not into Even my hard of hearing father can tell she's frustrating me. Which I have to deny to not hurt her feelings.

And just got another text about the spelling. Haha.