One week over due!!

After having contractions from 2:45am Friday 2/12/16 night until 3:00am Saturday 2/13/16 night I finally went to the hospital...I was checked and I was 2cm and 90% effaced, she said I needed to be at least to 3cm before she would admit she had us walk the halls for an hour...was checked again and I was indeed a good 3 cm so got admitted yay! ..,.labored until 10:00am where I made it to almost 4 cm and got my epidural...miracle drug!! I finally slept 4 hours after being up forever...I just had my water broke at 4:00pm on 2/14/16 and I was 6 cm...she said we will be holding our baby before tonight! Currently 41+ 2...guess my little girl wants to be our Valentine so she waited! ❤️
Well tomorrow 2/12/16 I will officially be 1 week over due (41 weeks)...I was due last Friday 2/5/16...this baby is just so cozy in there...I know they come on there own time and I've made it this far i know I'll meet my little girl very soon so I'm not stressing about it...I will be getting induced on Tuesday 2/16/16 if she doesn't make her appearance before then.  Anyone else this over due? How are you holding up?? 
We are getting a biophysical profile ultrasound tomorrow to see how she's doing and how the placenta is functioning and then we are going to go from there.  Can't wait to see her tomorrow 💜