First loss

Today I had my first miscarriage, but I was excited to have my second kid. All of that happiness went down the drain today. I've been bleeding since the 7th this month because I was waiting to get seen by my obgyn since they were booked all this week. But I went to see her and I was already fully dilated for the baby to pass, I was about "10 weeks" into pregnancy, so they said. They wanted me to go to the hospital but instead I figured I had time to gather some stuff from home. When I got home and out of my car, I started to over flow in my pad, luckily I had black pants on, I decided I was going to sit in the tub with water so my pants wouldn't smell when I got back home. I stayed in the tub longer than expected and I just kept bleeding and pushing blood clots out, then after 30 minutes a clear sac like object came out of me, it was what was supposed to be my baby (verified by doctor), then not even 10 minutes later I guess what the sac was inside came out as well. It felt hard and as it came out it felt pretty big which made me curious to see if it was another blood clot, it wasn't. I couldn't help but cry, I was really looking forward to having another kid, and for my first born to have a younger sibling. My boyfriend has had a previous ex wife they had 2 miscarriages and she aborted the third. I didn't want him to have another child loss. Now he says he feels like he doesn't want to try for anymore kids because maybe he's not meant to have any. I don't know how to cope with my loss but also not understanding how he must feel to have another kid lost. I'm sure he's just as devastated as I am. But he's trying to help me thru this as well, which is really comforting to me.