Some women are ridiculous!

"He's got naked pictures of women in his phone"..He's cheating. "He's been chatting with this girl online, calling her, texting her, etc"..he's cheating. "I found an earring/panties/tank top in my bed that isn't mine"..he's cheating. "My man is buying all these things for this girl, but he says they're just friends"..he's cheating. "My man is spending all his free time with his friend that's a female, should I be worried?"..HES CHEATING!! HONESTLY WOMEN!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP AND STOP LETTING MEN WALK ALL OVER YOU!! When did women lose their backbones? When did we start thinking that we aren't just as deserving as men? When did our feelings, hearts, dignity, respect, and honor start taking a backseat to mens? If you aren't being treated like you are his world, being respected, and feeling like you're his first priority..LEAVE! We are worth it! We are fucking boss ass Queens who deserve a King willing to put us first, willing to treat us like we are their best friend as well as lover..don't settle for a Joker. YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH MORE..YOU ARE A QUEEN!!