Is he taking me seriously?

I'm confused as to whether or not the person I am currently seeing may be taking me seriously or not. I am actually a young adult who has never had a boyfriend or have been in a relationship before. Not to say that all men are the same but I do hear a lot about women being played by men, all because of how they desire sex than the actual woman. Or being cheated on, having multiple gals on the side. I'm unsure if whether or not this may be that case...
​Firstly, we met off of Tinder. Our first time meeting was me coming over to his house, and we did have sex on the first night meeting. I knew what I was getting myself into and it was mutual between us. However, we began talking more and more, as well as seeing each other more and more. He would come to my house every weekend and that's what we would typically do. Have sex. We eventually came to a point of discussing what we wanted from each other...and we both established that we liked one another and that we wouldn't avoid anything serious if it came to it.
​He's also in the military. He is currently off duty and won't be anticipating his next deployment until the end of the year. It's been about 4 months now, we are now dating, officially, and he claims that he cares for me and he loves me. But I don't know if being with him is a smart idea seeing as how he may eventually have to leave. As of now, we've gotten to the point of dating but we've been arguing every week. The only problem is: he makes little effort to take me on dates and to treat me like an actual significant other. The only efforts I see at this point is him coming over at night, where we usually have sex (he doesn't even spend the night), and how he will reassure me that he loves me. He also has many female friends, whom I am unsure of are actual friends or other girls he may be talking to. I may be paranoid.  But I usually catch him following tons of different girls on Instagram, Snapchat and also adding them through Facebook. Also at one point he was still using Tinder for a while even after being exclusive with me. He claimed to not being active... I confronted him about this and he claims that they're all only friends; just as how I may have many male friends which he feels insecure about. I feel as though he does care for me if he has the energy to argue with me all the time and such. But I also feel as though I may serve the purpose of passing the time for him when he eventually is deployed for the military.