Emotional during FW

Nancy • 35y/o, 15 y/o daughter. With my S/O for 20 years and married for 1 1/2 years,TTC #2.
So I have like three or four different <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility apps</a> running on my phone, the general consensus is that I should be about a day or two away from ovulation. Why in the hell am I so emotional? I am NEVER one to be teary or   let my emotions get the best of me. Today has been an absolute wreck. Talking to my husband, I was like " I feel like I'm over complicating this with all of the apps and charting, it's stressful. Also, I started crying because I didn't want to become "the sexy time schedule keeper and make this a chore".
ANYWAY, anyone else get these emotional meltdown's around this time? 
I mean seriously, how am I supposed to get any action if I'm all mopey?! That's not sexy!