Acne and pcos???

Hayley • Luke 7/15/17; Colt 6/14/19; #boymom 💙💙
This is going to be slightly long but I'm a little worried and looking for some answers. Plz help if you can! 
So to start, I know that pcos runs in my family. My period was very irregular for the first few months and then evened out. When I started the pill at 16 from the very first pack I NEVER got a period. It was like this for 5 years and last year I was off it for a couple months before I could get back to my doctor to get a new prescription when I changed it to one of the 3 month pills. On this I started having a regular period every 3 months as expected but I decided to go off it this past November  (age 22 now) and have had regular periods since every 28 days on the spot. I don't have any symptoms of pcos, but like I said it runs in my family and ever since I started my period every month around the time I should ovulate (when I'm not on the pill) I get just this one huge,awful, extremely sore pimple on the bottom of my chin and it switches sides depending on which side I should be ovulating on.  
My burning question is I have been doing a little more reading on hormonal acne and found that it can be a sign of pcos and infertility so I'm just wondering could this be pcos in me or does it sound like it is strictly due to ovulation and normal hormones?