I have 2 roommates who think I'm a maid.

I live with my SO who works and provides for me, and another couple our age. They all work full time, so they expect me to clean up after them.

I am at my wits end because they expect me to cater to their every whim. The house bills are split into 4, my SO pays half, for he and i, and they pay the other half.

It's gotten to the point that they call me in the morning when I'm asleep, (I have horrible insomnia, if I get 3 hours a night, it's a miracle), to have me turn on the water for them, and if I dont, they slam the doors like crazy, bitch loudly about how their dinner plates aren't clean from the night before, all keeping me awake.

My SO and I are the only ones permanently on the lease.

**So my question is, if all three of then work, am I expected to clean up after all of them?**

The picture are me getting fed up with them thinking I'm their mothers. I mean who needs to be reminded of these simple things?

P.S. my SO doesn't expect me to clean up after him.

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