Over protective parents.?

I don't have kids and I don't judge people's parenting skills at all. So my sister in law and brother in law have a daughter she's 13. Very good kid straight A, she's in every sport u can think of and I the schools drama and choir club. She has a cell phone an iPhone 6 to be exact. Well this past weekend my sister in law went to Verizon to buy this table to have all of her texts messages sent to that tablet and also went to Apple so that they could put a block and restriction in certain apps they don't want her to have, of also they blocked her camera. And anytime she wants to down load an app she has to get them to download it for her Bc she doesn't know the iTunes password. I know kids these days are growing up way to fast and are having sex and very young ages. And I get there is nothing wrong with protecting your child and monitoring them. But I think this is what makes kids rebel and dis obey. Any thoughts?