I don't want my baby born on the one year anniversary of my father in laws passing

I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and because baby girl has elevated amniotic fluid levels they want to induce. They refuse to before I'm 39 weeks so the soonest they want to do it is Monday the 22nd and refuse to budge on the date. My father in law passed away February 23rd of last year and I'm so worried the induction will carry on into Tuesday, which will be the one year mark since he died. I don't want my baby being thought of as "that" baby in the family, it seems like it would just be so awkward. I don't want that kind of attention when she's born. I just feel like it will instead of being a happy joyous day they will see nothing but sadness affiliated with her birthday. Am I crazy to be scared about this and not wanting it to happen??