Clomid success stories

Ashley • Married in 2011, 1 babygirl born 6.15.18 ♡military family

If you or someone you know has used clomid to help conceive and had success please share. I'd love to hear other people's experience with this medicine.

I'm two years into ttc, it's been determined I do not ovulate often. I tried 50mg of clomid this January with no luck. But had serious emotions and early pregnancy signs due to the side effects of clomid. Today I started my new round of clomid, this time it's 100mg. Already having bad headaches. :(

Just hope this works! My husband and I are moving to Korea in April , orders of the army. I'm quiting my job and I just feel like now is the perfect time.

Babydust to all and thanks for your story!