
So I've been leaking fluids for about 5 days now. Sat feb 13 I had very bad pains & cramps along with leaking three times. I emptied my bladder a few times to make sure it just wasn't pressure of baby on my bladder forcing out urine. But I still leaked. I didn't go to hospital b/c every time I go they say it's nothing & send me back home. Later that day around 8pm I leaked again still didn't go in. Throughout the week it'll happen every now & then & it's getting very painful to walk, get outta bed, do grocery shopping, do housework/cook. Everything is hard & painful. Today I went to store & was walking pushing my daughter in the cart & I just felt a little wetness it wet my panties & pajama pants. Tonight right before my husband & I was about to have sex I felt like I peed a little. Every rim it happens it's not a huge gush of fluids just enough to wet my panties & my pants a little. So far it's been almost a week. I'm not due for an appt until tues feb 23. I'm trying to wait it out until then. I'd just hate for my water to have broke hut is leaking little by little & I babe way for an infection or something but I don't wanna wait all night in ER for them to make me think in overreacting or wasting time. I'm 33 weeks 2 days. Any advice? Anyone going through this too?