24 hour urine test -mini rant

What a pain!! I am so tired of collecting pee. This is so gross. I know it's for a good cause and I need to make sure everything is OK....but I am so over it. I swear I'm just sitting here minute by minute hoping for a contraction.... Waters to start leaking...something!! Get this baby out!! I really don't want to be induced. I am so worried that my BP will still be high, I'll get induced and my entire birth plan is out the window. Contractions on pitocin sound awful and I really wanted to avoid an epidural. People say the pain is the same they are just stronger quicker and with no break. So your body cant manage them as well. Well....that sounds worse to me! At the end of the day all I want is a healthy baby. I just feel so stuck in some anxiety filled limbo land. 3 days til my due date...anything could happen. Hopefully she comes on her own. Anyone else feeling this way?