My little angel was born at 28 weeks, since he had complications and stopped growing in my tummy, he...

Elva • 20 years young and married ❤️ I attend culinary school, I love my baby boy and my husband ❤️
My little angel was born at 28 weeks, since he had complications and stopped growing in my tummy, he was actually a 22 week old baby. He weighed 470 grams and will be in the NICU for 3 months approximately. He had an open artery that didnt close and received treatment and thanks to God it closed already :) He is still usinf the machine to breathe, getting blood transfusions for blood pressure, and it's on antibiotics and anti fungal. So far he has been doing great and already gained 110 grams since birth :) I love my little angel and I can't wait to have him home with my husband and me :)