Am I a bad person.....

I have been ttc for almost 2 years and have suffered 2 miscarriages in that time. My sister in law who is 10 years older than me and acts more like my mother in law has been asking me since the beginning about why im not getting pregnant. She has 2 children herself who she conceived within the first month of trying and I can tell she thinks the miscarriages are my fault from comments she has made. Well she just recently had a miscarriage herself at 12 weeks. I cant help but feel a little bit relieved that she cant say anything to me anymore about the miscarriages being my fault since she miscarried herself despite thinking she did everything right. Does this make me a bad person? I do feel guilty feeling like this. Also it has bought us closer, she now understands how painful a miscarriage is and we have been able to bond over that. I almost feel happy that she had this miscarriage but not happy that she lost a child, happy that she understands now. Is this wrong?