Im a prostitute

And I have a boyfriend. I met my bofriend last year and we fell in love and moved in together. He thinks I work everyday regularly, he's never questioned me or had any suspicions. Well I've been an escort for 4 to 5 years. It's been my profession and my income. The thing is I don't see it as cheating. To me cheating is emotionally connecting to another person. I would never personally start any type of relationship or connection or give my love to another man except for him. But of course as an escort I have sex with men for money. Men I have no connection with. Men I don't ever see again.  I'm a high class escort, I stay in 4-5 star hotels, I see decent professional men and I always use protection.  But I'm willing to give up this lifestyle for him and I did. I got a job as a secretary making 10$ per hour.. It's not 1000$ a day but I'm doing this for him, not only because it's probably wrong but just bevause I don't want to risk losing him in the future. 
👍And to be clear I would never "hook up" with someone I meet in a bar or anywhere. Again I see that as cheating. The only people I meet are privately at my hotel, if you find my ad and contact my private number and have no idea who I am what city I live in.
In the 4-5 years doing this I've never had any type of STD And never feared my saftey. There are more serious health risks in normal jobs. The worst thing I've gotten is a cold. 
I just want ALL opinions on this. I'm just curious how wrong am I? Am I a bad person for this, is this cheating ?  I'm just curious on the views about this. Should i keep the day job ?  And please ladies no point in calling me a slut, Nasty or a whore... Cause I'm a hoe it's my job so obviously 😊
And my husband (boyfriend) sorry I call him hubby all the time it was a typo everyone calm the hell down lmao 😂 is not slow haha he thinks i work somewhere else. I work from 8am till about 6. I'm not gone all night. I do this usually 3 days a week