
Rachael • I'm a 34 year old RN and mother of three (soon to be four). Kinda feel like a 1st time mom, since my youngest is 12!
So I'm trying to decide on what hospital to deliver at. We live in an area that is saturated with hospitals. There are about 6 in a 30 minute radius of my home. My SO wants me to deliver at the closest one. However, my sister in law just delivered there (like, on Wednesday, literally just delivered lol) and I wasn't comfortable with it. I don't like that the birthing room is upstairs and large and comfortable, but the recover rooms are downstairs, and tiny. Can barely fit mom and dad and baby in the room. I would prefer to deliver at the hospital that is about 30 minutes away, but is an all in one room. Labor, delivery, and recovery in a large comfortable room. SO is making me feel like I'm being ridiculous, but I feel like hey, I'm the one doing all the work here.....