I asked and didn't get the answer I was hoping for

So i broke up with my boyfriend because he was letting outside stress affect our home life and relationship for over 8 months and I could only handle it for so long before I just cracked . He was leaving clothes thrown all over the house never cleaning up after himself he never helped with anything around the house and then Ontop of that he was not interested in sex we had sex once maybe twice a month and I could have dealt with the lack of sex but there was no connection emotionally or physically he was just shut off we work the same hours so we would get home and I just felt alone . I know this isn't who he really is but I felt like us living together was not helping anything and he moved to his moms and expressed that he will be able to save money to do the things he needs to do and once he is able to accept this job his was offered making amazing money that all of this will be worth it . I tried to explain to him that the money was the least of my issues with our relationship it was him pulling away and not being present in our home life and he got mad and felt like I had said that too many times and that the money is a big deal and will make things better it turned into a huge fight and he told me he was done . It's been two weeks and I asked him today if he's done completely or if there's hope we will be able to get through this and he said not right now . How do I interpret this be really didn't give me a yes or no .is the not right now him leaving it open to workout in the future ?