Is 8 my lucky #!

I am currently 5w 2d with my 8th pregnancy. Have had 2 ectopic and 5 miscarriages. Tried every <a href="">fertility treatment</a> you can think of and now here we are pregnant naturally. I am worried because I have had spotting off and on and mild cramping, which from reading everyone's post is totally normal. However, having had so many losses to see any sign of blood is horrifying!  Today my light pink spotting turned to bright red (still not like a period) and was not accompanied by any pain. I am stressing myself out thinking of every possible scenario, and being its the weekend can't even get to my OBGYN until at least Monday (contemplated going to ER just so I could get an early scan and ease my mind but decided against it because I was afraid of the news I may get). I am going nuts and want so badly for this time to be THE time! Been trying for 8 years!