Pain? Anyone else?

I'm around 5-6 weeks pregnant and I'm having light pain on both sides near ovaries. My hips hurt and occasionally by my belly button. The pain is by no means severe and if on a scale I had to rate it from 1-10 10 being excruciating is give it a 2.5 what's going on? Anyone else have pain? My backs hurting. This is my first pregnancy an I'm worried about having an ectopic. Somebody ease my mind on this??? Thanks. Baby dust to everyone! 
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It's most likely your uterus stretching which is causing the cramping/pain. As long as it isn't accompanied by bleeding you're good! I'mabout 6 weeks and have been experiencing this for about a week and a half now ☺️


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Hey I'm 5 weeks and had this I'm currently bleeding too doctors have said I have to wait it out until I'm 6 weeks to have a scan. I'm on edge atm so know the feeling. Try and relax pain is suppose to be normal x