Probability of pregnancy

Hi. I'm 24 years old and have been on Triphasil for almost 4 months now. I previously had the inplanon for approximately 2 years. I take my pills every morning around half past 7 and on weekends an hour or so later, but I try to stick to half past 7. I also use eltroxin for an inactive thyroid (I don't think it has any influence my contraceptive but just for the sake of info on other meds I'm taking). Me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex yesterday.. my worry is that according to these <a href="">period tracker</a> apps my fertility spiked yesterday in terms of my cycle and therefore the risk for pregnancy is high. I'm new to this as I never had my period with previous contraceptives and never gave cycles much thought or attention. Should I be worried that I might get pregnant? Pregnancy tests will probably not work for a couple of days/weeks.