Am I really pregnant or im crazy ???!!

So im 17 soon to be 18 & my boyfriend is 20 ... well when im guessing was my last cycle it wasn't normal for me. The week before it was due i cramped all week... i was suppose to see my monthly on a Saturday but instead early that sunday morning i bled & then for 4 days spotted pink, even tho i bled it wasn't enough to be a full period. I also didn't get sick like i would on my period. I had a little to no cramping... which isn't normal for me... i have acne bad but now my face is clearing so fast, im peeing frequently & it has a funny smell to it, im starting to think it may be a UTI... but i got tested for that at the doctors & also for pregnancy... i didn't have a UTi tho & my pregnancy HCG level test was a <2 ... but now im having sore nipples & slight cramps! Somebody help me!!!