Braxton Hicks Contractions??

Hey everyone! This will be my rainbow baby and the farthest ive ever gotten so I really dont know what contractions or anything feels like.

Well last week (25 weeks along) I was sleeping and I woke up to roll over and my sides cramped up sooo badly and my back was cramping and also my lower abdomin felt like a lot of pressure too. I went to the bathroom to try and pee to see if that was it and it didnt really help. I stayed up and stretched out and walked a little and it helped but when I laid down it came back. Ive been trying to read up on Braxton Hicks Contractions and it seems thats what was happening but im not sure. I have an appointment Friday and ill ask my OBGYN but I was just wondering if any of you could help tell me what it might be too. Thanks!